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MIDI controller - for Behringer AIR XR18

MIDI controller - for Behringer AIR XR18 MIDI controller - for Behringer AIR XR18 MIDI controller - for Behringer AIR XR18

Product SKU : AL308_AndruinoNano

MIDI controller - for Behringer AIR XR18



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ON / OFF switch and analogue input for volume control





A small Arduino computer is built into the pedal.
This is freely programmable via the USB connector inside.

The last pieces in stock.

Set to turn on / off all effects of FX Input 1 -4
The analog input can control the input volume 15


spínač ON/OFF a anolgový vstup pro řízení hlasitosti


V pedálu je zabudovaný malý počítač Arduino.
Tento je volně programovatelný pomocí USB konektoru uvnitř.

Poslední kusy na skladě.

Od nás nastaveno:

Nožní spínač - zapnutí / vypnutí všech effektů FX Input 1 - 4.
Analogový vstup může ovládat hlasitost vstupu 15.


Battery Power 9V / Adapter 5-12Vdc + o) -




//Setting Analog to 0

int Value0 = 0;
int ValueEnd0 = 0;

// pin to use for indicator LED
int ledPin = 3;
// pin that is connected to the footswitch
int buttonPin = 11;

int buttonState = 0;
int buttonLastState = 0;
int buttonInitState = 0;

int muteStatus = 0;

void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

// Setup serial port for MIDI communication

// read current button state, a press is detected whenever
// state changes to anything else than the init state
buttonInitState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
// we only want to do something on state changes
buttonLastState = buttonInitState;

void loop() {

//setting Analog Input
int Analog0 = analogRead(A0);

// Converts analog input (from 0 to 1023) to values (0 - 127)
int Value0 = Analog0/8;
if (Value0 != ValueEnd0){
// setting midiCc(MidiChannel,ComandCCnumber,Value0)

ValueEnd0 = Value0;

buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);

// has the state changed?
if (buttonState != buttonLastState) {
buttonLastState = buttonState;
if (buttonState != buttonInitState) {
// button is in pressed state, trigger action
if (muteStatus == 0) {
// mute and light up LED
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
// send CC 85 on channel 2 with value 0 to mute
// mute group 6 on a Behringer X32
midiCc(2, 27, 0);
midiCc(2, 28, 0);
midiCc(2, 29, 0);
midiCc(2, 30, 0);
muteStatus = 1;
} else {
// unmute and turn off LED
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
midiCc(2, 27, 127);
midiCc(2, 28, 127);
midiCc(2, 29, 127);
midiCc(2, 30, 127);
muteStatus = 0;
// workaround to prevent fluttering of button state

void midiCc(int channel, int command, int value) {
Serial.write(175 + channel);

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